Senin, 19 Maret 2018

EOZ Mengintegrasikan Teknologi Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dengan Teknologi Blockchain pada Sistem “Trading” Hingga Investasi

Ini merupakan ide dan konsep inovatif yang dikembangkan oleh tim EOZ dengan penelaahan dan penelitian yang cukup lama mencapai sekitar 3 tahun demi untuk menemukan algoritma yang tepat dengan teknologi Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dalam implementasi bot untuk trading. Memang hal yang tidak mudah untuk trading baik valuta kripto ataupun pertukaran lainnya seperti bursa saham atau perdagangan valas, memerlukan analisis mendalam dan juga terutama pengendalian psikologi yang kuat karena kedua hal ini sangat menentukan kesuksesan trading. Keunggulan bot dalam trading dibanding seorang yang ahli terletak pada aspek psikologi karena sangat dimungkinkan analisis hebat seorang ahli tersebut akan terpengaruhi oleh keadaan psikologinya sehingga penerapannya seringkali tidak seperti yang direncanakan sebagai hasil dari analisisnya sehingga tradingnya gagal atau rugi. Bot benar-benar tidak  terpengaruh oleh aspek psikologis ini maka trading yang dilakukannya akan murni mengeksekusi algoritma yang sebelumnya dikembangkan oleh si pembuat bot, sayangnya bot yang biasa tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan baik terhadap situasi baru yang tidak tersedia dalam algoritma yang telah dibuat.

Tim EOZ telah mengembangkan bot istimewa menggunakan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan yang dapat beradaptasi dengan cepat ke situasi baru dalam suatu trading karena meskipun ada kesamaan dalam sinyal trading tapi terkadang akan ada situasi yang berbeda dengan sebelumnya yang tidak terantisipasi dalam algoritma bot, oleh karena itu EOZ memiliki Keunggulan dengan konsep yang bagus ini yaitu pada Jaringan Saraf Tiruan bertujuan untuk meniru kemampuan manusia dalam beradaptasi terhadap sistem atau keadaan yang baru atau disebut juga pembelajaran. Pembelajaran manusia ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap situasi yang lebih baru dengan menganalisis kumpulan informasi yang sudah lama atau sebelumnya, Kemampuan ini diterapkan pada Jaringan Saraf Tiruan oleh EOZ. Sehingga, trading yang diikuti oleh EOZ bisa menyerupai hasil dari trader hebat tetapi bebas dari pengaruh psikologis untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan keberhasilan dalam trading secara signifikan. Inilah alasan untuk mengatakan bahwa bot EOZ mirip dengan ahli hebat karena tim EOZ yang mengembangkan platform ini juga terdiri dari orang-orang berpengalaman dengan sekitar 15 tahun pengalaman trading, maka wajar jika pemikiran dan strategi mereka dalam bot dikatakan serupa bahkan melebihi dari trader yang ahli.

EOZ sendiri bukan hanya sekedar trading tapi terutama untuk platform Peminjaman (investasi) yang ditawarkan bagi pengguna yang ingin meminjamkan/menyimpan dananya di EOZ, sebagian besar dana akan digunakan oleh EOZ dalam trading untuk kemudian akan memberikan imbal hasil kepada pemberi pinjaman/investor dengan pengembalian yang tinggi dalam bentuk bunga. Bisa dikatakan bahwa istilah pemberi pinjaman merupakan investor dalam trading yang umum namun istilahnya akan bias dengan ICO yang telah menggunakan istilah investor untuk pembeli koin atau token. Dengan penjelasan di atas mengenai bagaimana dana pinjaman di EOZ akan digunakan sehingga pemberi pinjaman akan tahu persis dana yang diproses di EOZ hingga akan mengerti imbalan yang akan diterima yang memang jauh lebih tinggi dibanding investasi umum lainnya. Dengan mengetahui penggunaan dananya serta adanya penjelasan atas kemampuan dan kapabilitas bot yang akan digunakan di EOZ bahkan jika mengetahui perdagangan kripto yang memiliki banyak potensi keuntungan karena karakter volatilitas yang tinggi, maka hal-hal tersebut akan menghilangkan keraguan sama sekali dari pengguna atau orang yang tertarik ke EOZ. Jaringan Saraf Tiruan pada bot EOZ merupakan ide dan konsep yang sangat bagus sebagaimana telah dikembangkan oleh tim EOZ di lingkungan trading ini baik pada lingkungan keuangan secara umum atau di dunia kripto. Penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai skema Jaringan Saraf Tiruan yang akan diimplementasikan di EOZ dapat dilihat di link whitepaper: 

Ada kelebihan lainnya lagi dari EOZ dibandingkan lingkungan keuangan umum lainnya, yaitu adanya implementasi teknologi blockchain. Seperti kebanyakan orang akhir-akhir ini yang mendapatkan informasi tentang teknologi paling canggih ini setelah komputer dan internet di abad terbaru, blockchain dipercaya sebagai era baru teknologi untuk pengembangan dunia masa depan. Karakteristik blockchain adalah independen, transparan dan desentralisasi, begitu juga halnya dalam EOZ. Oleh sebab itu EOZ benar-benar akan membuat perbedaan cukup besar dalam lingkungan keuangan khususnya sistem peminjaman/investasi. Dengan diintegrasikannya Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dan Teknologi Blockchain, masa depan keuangan akan memperoleh pengaruh besar dari EOZ.

Ada lagi layanan lainnya yang menarik telah disediakan oleh EOZ yaitu program buyback (pembelian kembali) yang memungkinkan EOZ untuk membeli kembali token yang ada di luar yang dimiliki oleh para pemegang token publik. Program ini akan mampu menjamin stabilitas harga dan memfasilitasi investor yang membutuhkan penarikan dana mereka dari EOZ.

Sejauh ini yang disajikan di atas adalah kompetensi dan kemampuan istimewa EOZ, sekarang akan dipaparkan sekilas mengenai ICO EOZ. Saat ini EOZ membuka kesempatan kepada publik yang ingin menjadi bagian dari EOZ untuk mendapatkan token dalam penjualan token yang dibagi menjadi 5 tahapan dan ditambahkan juga dengan Pra-Penjualan atau Pra-ICO seperti yang dapat dilihat di situs web: https: //, berikut adalah rincian ICO yang dipegang oleh EOZ:

Sementara informasi EOZ khusus ICO disajikan dalam tabel di bawah ini:

Hal minimal tetapi bukan yang terakhir dari karakteristik EOZ yang menarik adalah roadmap yang singkat ditargetkan oleh tim karena biasanya roadmap ICO yang lain setidaknya akan mencapai roadmap akhir selama 1 tahun bahkan lebih tetapi EOZ hanya membuat road map terakhir hanya dalam waktu 9 bulan. Perlu diyakini bahwa semakin lama periode perencanaan roadmap maka harga akan naik jauh lebih tinggi, kaitannya dengan EOZ mencapai waktu 9 bulan saja untuk pencapaian berikut:


Juni 2017
           Ide untuk mempublikasikan EOZ dan mennggunakan crowdfund untuk skema investasinya.

Kuartal 4 2017
           Perancangan & Pengembangan Portal Umum.
           Perencanaan ICO EOZ.
           Penulisan resmi EOZ.
           Pengembangan Koin EOZ.

Kuartal 1 2018
           Peluncuran Penjualan Token ICO EOZ.
           Peluncuran Koin EOZ.
           Peluncuran platform Peminjaman dan Penukaran EOZ.
           Proyeksi Harga Pembukaan $35.

Kuartal 3 2018
           Peluncuran Aplikasi Wallet Mobile EOZ.
           Terdaftar pada Bursa.
           Harga Terproyeksi $50 - $70.

Roadmap EOZ di atas dapat dilihat di situs web atau whitepaper.

Akhirnya, dengan mengetahui inti teknis EOZ dengan integrasi Teknologi Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dan Teknologi Blockchain maka dapat dikatakan bahwa EOZ menyediakan lingkungan investasi pribadi dan platform trading valuta kripto di mana para pedagang dan investor juga dapat menjalankan usahanya dengan aman dan kemungkinan tinggi untuk menguntungkan. Untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut tentang EOZ atau untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan berbicara langsung ke tim resmi EOZ dapat membuka atau menghubungi di bawah ini:

Telegram: @eozsupport
Twitter: @eozcoin

EOZ Integrates Artificial Neural Network with Blockchain Technology for Trading Until Lending System

This is an innovative idea and concept developed by EOZ team to explore and carried out a long research within around 3 years to find suitable algorithm using Artificial Neural Network technology in bot implementation for trading. It is not easy to trade for cryptocurrency or any other exchange such as stock exchange or forex exchange, need deep analysis and also strong control of psychology as both of these items are strongly determined a successful in the trading. The superiority of bot in trading rather than human even expert is in psychology aspect as most possibly a great analysis of an expert will be influenced by his psychology then the implementation often not as planned from his analysis to make his trading fail or loss. Bot is free of this psychological aspect then the trading will be purely by the algorithm developed by the bot creator, unfortunately common bot cannot adapt well to new situation that is not available in algorithm created.    

EOZ team has developed bot using Artificial Neural Network which can adapt quickly to a new situation in trading as even though there are similarity in trading signals but sometimes there will be a situation that is different with the past that not available in algorithm commonly, therefore EOZ has superiority with this excellent concept in Artificial Neural Network to imitate human ability for adaptation new system or called learning. This learning in human can increase adaptability to newer situation by analyze past even or historical information, this is applied in Artificial Neural Network by EOZ. So, the trading participated by EOZ can be similar with a great trader but free from psychological influence to increase the successful possibility in trading significantly. There is a reason to say that EOZ bot is similar with great expert as EOZ team who developed the platform consist of experienced people with around 15 years involved in trading, then it is normal if their thinking and strategy in bot to be said similar with expert trader.

EOZ itself is not just a trading but specially for Lending platform to be offered for users who want to lend their fund in EOZ, most of the fund to be used by EOZ in trading then will give return to the lender with high reward in form of interest. It can be said the lender as investor in most common trading but the term will be bias with ICO that has used investors for tokens or coins buyer. By above clear explanation of the fund to be used to so the lender will know exactly the fund processed inside EOZ then will understand the reward to be received even seems much higher than other common investment. By knowing the fund processed and explained the ability and capability of bot to be used in EOZ more over if know the trading in crypto that has a lot of potential profit by high volatility characteristic, it will remove any doubt at all. This Artificial Neural Network is greatly excellent idea and concept as developed by EOZ in this trading environment with either common financial environment or event in crypto space. More detail of Artificial Neural Network scheme to be implemented in EOZ can be found at the whitepaper link :

There is another strong point of EOZ rather than other common financial environment, it is in blockchain technology implementation. As a lot of people recently well informed by this most advanced technology after computer and internet in latest century, blockchain is trusted as the new era of technology for future world development. The characteristics of blockchain are independent, transparent and decentralization, so is the case in EOZ. Then EOZ will really make a difference in financial environment specially lending system. With collaboration of Artificial Neural Network and Blockchain Technology, the future of financial will have big influencing from EOZ.

There is another interesting service that provided by EOZ, it is buyback program which allow EOZ to purchase again any tokens outside in public tokens holder. This program is able to ensure price stability and facilitate investors who need their fund withdrawal from EOZ.

So far presented above are the special competency and ability of EOZ, now to be presented at a glance for EOZ ICO. Currently the EOZ is opening the opportunity to public who want to be part of EOZ for getting the tokens in token sale which is divided into 5 round and added with a Pre-Sale or Pre-ICO as can be seen in the website :, here is the detail of the ICO held by EOZ:
While specific ICO information of EOZ to be presented in below table:
The least but not the last of interesting characteristic of EOZ is the short roadmap to be targeted by team as usually other at least will reach end roadmap within 1 year even more but EOZ just put end of the roadmap in just around 9 months. It should be believed that longer period of EOZ will increase highly but just to describe generally it can be understood that just within 9 months then this EOZ to be achieved as below:


June 2017
●           Idea to make EOZ public and utilize crowdfund for investments.

Q4 2017
●           Design & Development of Public Portal.
●           Planning Of EOZ ICO.
●           EOZ White Paper.
●           Development Of EOZ Coin.

Q1 2018
●           Launch Of EOZ ICO Token Sale.
●           Launch Of EOZ Coin.
●           Launch Of EOZ Lending & Exchange.
●           Projected Opening Price $35.

Q3 2018
●           Launch Of EOZ Mobile Wallet Apps.
●           Listing On Exchanges.
●           Projected Price $50 - $70.

Above EOZ roadmap can be seen at either website or whitepaper. 

Finally, by knowing the core technical of EOZ by integration of Artificial Neural Network and Blockchain Technology then it can be said that EOZ is providing a private investing environment and cryptocurrency trading platform where traders and invеѕtоrѕ аlikе are able to carry out business securely and safely and high possibly for profitable. To know more information about EOZ or to arise questions and talk directly to EOZ official team can open or contact below:

Telegram: @eozsupport
Twitter: @eozcoin
  Facebook :

Minggu, 18 Maret 2018

Innovation from EOZ in Financial Industry by Artificial Neural Network and Blockchain Technology

Hello everyone, now I want to tell you an excellent creation in Financial industry released by EOZ, a new blockchain-powered lending platform & governed есоѕуѕtеm designed to reduce barriers to cryptocurrency investing, increase market liquidity, and improve access to financial freedom for almost fully global. Technically, there are 2 (two) important key to differentiate EOZ with other conventional lending platform:
1.     EOZ is based on blockchain technology that is recently rising to be said a new advanced technology after network and digitalization technology era.
2.     EOZ uses sophisticated technology by Artificial Neural Network in the system created so it can develop and getting smarter as the time goes by.

Those two keys technical element are used in EOZ to give service in lending sectors which mean user to lend their fund in EOZ tokens in EOZ platform and will have benefit by the interests provided by EOZ. EOZ lender or called user can trust the system as EOZ is carrying out the cryptocurrencies trading using bot which is created under Artificial Neural Network technology. So, the trading will be profitable as this bot will process the past input by Artificial Neural Network to give good signal in the trading whether to enter market or to leave the market. It is very different with human trader that is mostly interfered by psychology aspect which cause the system created to fail, this bot will not have the psychology aspect so pure technical analysis to be made by this bot. A lot of human trader get fail in their trading even they created excellent system is caused by this psychology aspect that is very difficult to be controlled. More detail of Artificial Neural Network scheme to be implemented in EOZ can be found at the whitepaper link :

This bot used by EOZ really in the ability imitate human to adapt for a new situation by this Artificial Neural Network without even having emotion in the implementation then the successful of the trading will be much higher. This adaptation can be said as learning to EOZ Artificial Neural Network such as a human to learn something, as longer he is then a smarter and more expert. That is EOZ with use Artificial Neural Network, as getting longer to be used than the system will be getting smarter and more expert in the trading. That is why EOZ will do the trading much safer and the risk is much lower so by having this good trading then EOZ is able to give such big interest to the user from the fund lent in EOZ.  

Other thing to be considered is this EOZ is created by team who had experienced in trading sectors within 15 years, so they are really expert in this trading then their expertise imitated in EOZ by Artificial Neural Network without psychology aspect which is mostly affect the failing of a human trader. EOZ is created by team within 3 years, such as cloning the expertise of trader team into this bot and once again without having psychological aspect as causer of most people trader fail. This is the reason why EOZ can give daily interest in 3% of fund to be lent in EOZ!! Wow, a great figure I think and none other conventional lending system which able to give the interest like this, more over if compared to conventional bank that is giving 3% annual….Just a quick glance of this comparation, daily interest for 3% can give in minimum ten times a year or minimum 1000% a year then if you lend $ 100 to EOZ then you will find your fund to be in USD 1.180 !!! Very attractive offer from EOZ….

There is also other service provided by EOZ, that is buyback program which is allow any tokens outside of EOZ to be re-purchased by EOZ from public tokens holder…what a good program to ensure price stability and facilitate investor who need their fund withdrawal from EOZ.
Other thing to be considered for EOZ as aforesaid above is blockchain utilization as proved recently to be a dесеntrаlizеd in nature, ассоunting еntriеѕ of all trаnѕасtiоnѕ are available for the general public at аnу givеn роint in timе. So, the decentralization and transparency in EOZ is guarantedd by the utilization of blockchain technology.

Now the EOZ is opening the opportunity to public who want to be part of EOZ for getting the tokens in token sale which is divided into 5 round and added with a Pre-Sale or Pre-ICO as can be seen in the website :, here is the detail of the ICO held by EOZ:

While ICO information is presented below:

Other interesting point from EOZ is the short roadmap to achieve the target as can be seen from website or whitepaper:

June 2017
●           Idea to make EOZ public and utilize crowdfund for investments.
Q4 2017
●           Design & Development of Public Portal.
●           Planning Of EOZ ICO.
●           EOZ White Paper.
●           Development Of EOZ Coin.

Q1 2018
●           Launch Of EOZ ICO Token Sale.
●           Launch Of EOZ Coin.
●           Launch Of EOZ Lending & Exchange.
●           Projected Opening Price $35.
Q3 2018
●           Launch Of EOZ Mobile Wallet Apps.
●           Listing On Exchanges.
●           Projected Price $50 - $70.

Just less than one year, EOZ token price is targeted more than 20 times…!! What a great target and figure to invest in this EOZ project!!

That is above in a glance for the innovation created by EOZ which is greatly impressive, if you want to further know about EOZ can find at below links :

Telegram: @eozsupport
Twitter: @eozcoin
  Facebook :

Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Short Analysis of Crowdcoinage Impact To Either Investors or Developers (incl. Startups)


As we all may know that developing or starting business need many resources to be prepared, technical and commercial aspects to be considered and others important thing. However economic situation is depending on this business environment, if the environment is good than many people will be helped to increase economic growth. One of classic problem to develop business is on funding the capital, most of business developed shall use capital for their commercial program execution to seek profit or at least just to survive the business. Many businesses to be closed as do not have sufficient fund to operate daily business activities or to develop new more profitable business. Seek fund is not easy, so when there is fundraising from ICO should have help much to develop business or start new business.

But there are other problems arisen in an ICO operated, ideally a party who need fund as Developers will gain trust from investors by much fund earned during ICO. However, the investors are not in high trust to a developer as there are many project developers hanging around in the ICO without good purpose or intentions. Those developers intend to obtain short term profit by harm others specially investors and multiplier effect to harm financial environment. Other developers also will be harmed and get disadvantages from this fraud developers as investors trust is decreasing then good developers are harder and more difficult to raise fund anymore.

With the present of Crowdcoinage that provide main feature to select good, prospective and feasible developers through vote mechanism then Crowdcoinage will only launched good developers to be deserved to raise the fund from investors. If investors see that their fund are secure and safe, then their trust to an ICO will be increased so to invest in an ICO fundraising will be easier without many and deep consideration also fear to be scammed. At the end, fund to be raised by a startup and also developers will be much easier and more fund perhaps can be obtained. Later to be expected many projects can be funded by this ICO scheme as we all may know that using blockchain and smartcontract will be very reliable to be continued in the future and with higher value of project to be funded.
It is important to know also what is exactly Crowdcoinage for better understanding. Crowdcoinage OS or abbreviated CCOS is a decentralized crowdfunding platform for ICO Campaigns in form of Operating System (OS) that will offer a wide range of blockchain-based financial services for the crypto-space. CrowdCoinage’s goal is to provide a complete solution to start and fund a business from anywhere in the world in a decentralized environment for free. This OS will boost the blockchain-economy by creating an OS for running ICO campaigns, building a strong marketplace and offering loans plus insurance services.

This is a glance advantages of CCOS in financial field. CCOS in financial field can serve better lending system. Advantages of lending system used CCOS as decentralize the peer to peer lending are:
1.  Provide assessment and transparency
2.  Certainty to investor by reimbursing the fund in form of Cryptocurrencies or fiat money based on smart contract.
3.  Borrowers can easily present their case such as showing images, videos and writing of descriptive text.
4.  Utilizing decentralized of blockchain, loan approval will be shorter.
5.  Reduce rick for investor as lender, percentage of interest to be created in pre-agreed, amount of lend to be covered a whole amount or just a part of amount lending.

Team Composition Show the Reliability and Strong of Crowdcoinage

Team composition of Crowdcoinage consist of experienced, competent and expert in each field as can be found at their website: Here is the team composition:

1.   Peep Paum, Co-Founder & CEO
2.   Tauno Poks, Co-Founder & CTO
3.   Sven Kauber, Co-Founder & senior backend/blockchain developer
4.   Silver  Liiv, Co-Founder & frontend developer
5.   Marina Baslina, CMO
6.   Oleksandr Sovenko Senior backend/ Solidity developer
7.   Riho Muuga, Designer
8.   Arlis Kopli, Front End Developer
9.   Mattias Kurvits, Back End Developer
10.Vinshu Gupta, Blockchain Expert


1.   Christopher Matthew, Spencer
      International Business Consultant at kathy Ireland Worldwide
2.   Edvin Parisalu, Finance Manager at Car Rental
     Gateway Limited
3.   Kaupo Lepasepp, Partner and Member of Management at Sorainen Law Firm
4.   Peeter Kruusvall, Strategist & Partner at Optimist Public Communication Agency

As to develop further, Crowdcoinage (CCOS) is conducting an ICO as described in below detail:

Token Sale Starts 2018/01/15, Monday

Token Sale Period Pre-Sale:  2018/01/15 11AM EET (UTC/GMT +2) Sale: 2018/01/22 to 2018/03/12

Hard Cap   150,000 ETH

Pre-Sale Cap   50,000 ETH

Pre-Sale Terms 50,000 ETH allocated for pre-sale
Minimum purchase during Pre-Sale is 2000 CCOS tokens
Up to 30% bonus for early investors

Token Symbol CCOS

Total Number of Tokens 478,571,428

Tokens sold in this sale 50%

Exchange Rate 1 ETH = 1,000 CCOS tokens

 More detail advantages provided by Crowdcoinage to be received by Start-Up or business development are:
1.     Decentralized which is entirely the platform built on the blockchain as known as reliable technology recently
2.     Secure to continue business whether development or still new as the passed ICO will receive support from the community first.
3.     Free for basic plan ICO and no hidden cost for token sale hence the Developers can precisely calculate their business and will get benefit for free basic plan through Crowdcoinage to save the cost and fund.
4.     Marketplace to find services from professional so it will be easier to set up organization with the information provided in this marketplace feature for developers. 
5.     E-Residency, THIS FEATURE is unique served by Crowdcoinage as form of support from Estonian Government, everybody around the world is able to setup a company based in Estonian paperless and assisted to do other administration stuff as European based company!!

So above features provided by Crowdcoinage will really facilitate developer for their business continuation or starting up beside other services in financial environment provided by Crowdcoinage such as insurance, loan, broker and exchange, etc which all will help the business activities of the developers.

There is a roadmap also presented by Crowdcoinage as a guidance for whom that want to know the target in the future to be reached by this project. Here is the roadmap :

Milestones in Roadmap to be Achieved

1. step
Q2 2017
Idea and first vision about the CrowdCoinage  ICO platform was born.
2. step
Q3 2017
CrowdCoinage OÜ founded,  domain registered, identity created. Market and competitor analysis, architecture and infrastructure models done. Started developing a MVP and preparations for the ICO campaign.
3. step
Q1 2018
Launch of the CC token sale environment and the first UI versions of MVP.
4. step
Q3 2018
Launch of the CC ICO platform beta with community approval and investor votes.
5. step
Q4 2018
Launch of the CC ICO platform public version with a job and services marketplace integration and e-Residency program support
6. step
Q2 2019
Launch of desktop and mobile wallets and API for ICO campaigns.
7. step
Q3 2019
Integration e-Residency program application process and registration EU companies.
8. step
Q4 2019
Launching second ICO to finance next products in CrowdCoinage’s financial ecosystem.

Further information of this project can be found at: and