Minggu, 21 Januari 2018


Today, more cyrptocurrencies come up with the better features offered to user as either trader, investor or exchanger. However some of those cryptocurrencies are a fork of bitcoin blockchain, created to facilitate user for transaction.
However there are some difficulties faced by cryptocurrency user either as trader or as exchanger in recent situation of cryptocurrency activities. Some of difficulties are :
1.    To exchange cryptocurrency have been suspended trading.
2.   The process of using cryptocurrency such as exchange, trading or even withdrawal could have been proceed extremely slow. This slow process can generate potency to cost the user into not small amount of their fund. Moreover if the user are trying to buy or sell at a certain time, this matter could being that user to be frustration.
It can sometimes happen to trade a cryptocurrency should take more than 3 (three) days even reach 7 (seven) days, if the user want to take a profit by trading and withdrawal immediately then in fact the user can lose money because when withdrawal process the prices decreased considerably.
Not only that, the slow of process time will happen in the beginning. Let’s see the process to use the current cryptocurrency that will take a lot of time, usual process of trading that use third party exchange will cover below steps :

1. registration
2. verification
3. verification processing
4. depositing user exchange account
5. placing an order
6. creating withdrawal
7. withdrawal processing
8. receiving coins
Above steps can be estimated to be taken in significant amount of time, as said above sometimes can take from 3 to 7 business days, depending on the exchange provider and perhaps the familiarity of the user himself to exchange system used by provider.
Those aforesaid matters arisen as impact of three factors :

1.    Dependency
2.   Centralization
3.   Lack of Transparency
 1.   Dependency
Dependency in transaction can reduce profit for a trader and capital for an exchanger or investor. Transaction with a lot of parties involved acts as intermediaries will caused process much slower and prices obtained significantly be higher. Surely these two cases of low speed and capital erosion in reality is unwanted by all of businessman in this case trader, investor and exchanger.
2.  Centralization
It can be observed as quoted from  https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom/intro-a5cf029c7a9a that “most cryptocurrency trades should be conducted on-chain in a decentralized way, as per the original Bitcoin’s approach to transacting in a completely trustless environment.” In centralized way, users do not know who involved, how much is the fee to be applied, and how strong is the influence of such parties even as intermediaries or an by who is the entities. Those factors can result to transacting in a trustless environment that high possibly is unwanted by cryptocurrency users. Current existing cryptocurrency doesn’t have strong Proof of Work (PoW) approach, this will lead to increasing centralized way and dependency.
3.  Lack of Transparency
If a cryptocurrency user want to create a transaction, transparency of the process can increase the trust to be repeated for further transaction. Lack of transparency will give the user to see a black box which is able to unknown of the internal process and also unable to estimate how much is the output of such process.
 Bitcoin Atom (BCA) come to serve solutions

Bitcoin Atom (BCA) as quoted from https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom/intro-a5cf029c7a9a, “is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain with major protocol upgrades that should be occurred in December 2017. However at the moment, author is not checking the status of protocol upgrades. This BCA also is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with on-chain atomic swaps on board and hybrid consensus. Bitcoin Atom brings a truly decentralized way of digital asset exchange by utilizing hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, giving independence from intermediaries and any centralized entities.
As said from that article that BCA at the predetermined block number the original BTC blockchain will be forked into BCA, and any transactions made since then will be completely separate on Bitcoin and BCA networks. Immediately, BCA will be in live on mainnet and be a fully functional cryptocurrency. Mentioned also that rate of BTC will be quite high with value is similar with BTC, 1 BCA = 1 BTC. At the present, most of cryptocurrency even all of them as known by author has value smaller than BTC in meaning that 1 BTC to be similar with numbers of such cryptocurrency let say 1 BTC = 100 a cryptocurrency or 1 Cryptocurrency = 0.01 BTC.

Author will present what and how the solutions served by BCA to solve above problems presented earlier. BCA provide features as below that can be found at this link https://bitcoinatom.io/ :

1.   Hybrid Consensus
BCA network is additionally secured by utilizing the so-called hybrid consensus: both Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) models are put in place, increasing network stability and reducing the power of miners, hence lowering the 51% attack probability. Despite having PoS in addition to PoW, Bitcoin Atom is not inflationary in terms of emission as PoS only serves the goal of decentralizing network power.
2.   Lightning Network Swap
BCA development team is working on the Lighting Network (LN) implementation, allowing for instant off-chain atomic swaps. LN transactions are cheaper, more useful for smaller transactions and have better privacy properties. BCA will be among the first cryptocurrencies to adapt the Lightning Network with its payment channels, delivering instant off-chain atomic swaps with a set of AS APIs and swap toolkits.
3.   Atomic Swap Powered
BCA  has the ability called atomic cross-chain trading by bringing Atomic Swaps (AS) API and a set of cross-chain trading utilities into the original Bitcoin core software and forking it into BCA. This ability comes as BCA is using built-in hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, and potentially by Lightning Network (LN) off-chain implementing AS hence result to provide ability to swap assets directly between blockchains.
It can be seen the process change by using Atomic Swaps in the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies:
1. placing order inside user node
2. receiving user exchanged cryptocurrency
User is able to conveniently open his/her  BITCOIN ATOM node and directly place a sell/buy order without any hassles or middlemen. Then user can see how easy and fast to use Atomic Swaps as almost all steps required by other party acted as exchange providers can be skipped.

This Atomic Swaps also can offer other advantages through decentralized exchanges. Below the key advantages through decentralized exchanges to be presented :
a.    Faster Trades
b.   Eliminate delays (caused by missing deposits/withdrawals, server downtime, etc.)
c.    Retention of user private keys, preventing the chance of losing your coins
d.   Minimize potential security breaches.
e.    Maintain user identity still in private (verification process  is not required).
f.     Decentralize the whole trading process to make the transaction will be really peer-to-peer.
g.    Reduce trading fees as minimum as possible

By Above 3 (three) features, BCA will become a Bitcoin fork which can provide user for Independency, Centralized way and Transparency. Process will be much faster and transaction cost shall be decreased a lot.
Those features owned by BCA exist as by using :

1.   The power of atomic swap  

2.  Advanced interblockchain mechanics 

3.  Years of blockchain research  

To know more about BCA, it presented the specification as  below :
a.        Ticker Symbol: BCA
b.        Max Supply: 21 Million
c.         Distribution: Mining, Minting, Claiming
d.        PoW algorithm: SHA256
e.         PoW Block Interval: 10 Minutes
f.          PoS Block Interval: 10 Minutes
g.        Block size (actual): 1M (2–4M)
h.        Difficulty adjustment: 2 Weeks
i.          Avg tx confirmation time: 5 Minutes
j.           Atomic swaps: Yes
k.        Segwit: Yes
l.           Replay protection: Yes
m.     Unique address format: Yes

Other supporting factors for this BCA as outlined below :
a.    Partnership with several popular market such as : Yobit, Exrates, Bilbotel Mining Pool, OKEx. Now BCA also listed on coinmarketcap, soon to be followed by other exchanges as stated in https://medium.com/@bitcoinatom/bitcoin-atom-bca-futures-now-listed-on-coinmarketcap-a92593a327f3
b.   Will be available for ESR Wallet and Coinomi Wallet.

Other important thing to be known that BCA has a program called Bitcoin Atom bounty campaign which provide community members earn BCA for promoting this coin through several method such as social media channels, content creation, etc. There can be joined dan participated into Bitcoin Atom bounty campaign via the following link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2567797

Further information can be obtained at below :

AIDA Service, A Future Transaction Scheme Using CryptoCurrrency

AIDA Project is created to face new era of transaction using high technology founded recently for cryptocurrency. AIDA itself is stand for Attention, Interest, Decision, Action, a new scheme of transaction that is used in marketing a product. Related with this project, AIDA service is designed to create a new transaction scheme in marketing of construction materials started from manufacturer / factory, logistic, warehouse and customer.

This AIDA Project named AIDA Service, is developed by Kazakhstan Company, further will register also in Cyprus. They have brilliant idea to change business process in circumstances of construction materials supply chain. Here are the people involved in Development Plan Team combined in international company, the team consists of both young and promising developers, as well as more experienced specialists in different fields. The team can be categorized as top management, corporation team, and specialist. This team can be found at http://ico.aida.market/#team.
Top management are :
1.      Nyssanov Ualikhan — Managing Director. Experience in Project Architect. Specialist in marketing and sales.
2.      Goncharenko Denis —  IT Director. He  is responsible for  the  development of  the  team and the  implementation of  the  project. Specialist in automation of  business processes..
3.      Urmagambetov Samat — Co-founder. Advisor  on  work  with customers. A successful developer with an experience of work more than 15 years.
4.      Kunsakov Arman, Executive Director
5.      Biskembaeva Aizhan, Commercial Director
6.      Krukhmaleva Svetlana, Chief Operating Officer

Corporation team consist of :
1.      Kovalevsky Sergey, Head of Development Department
2.      Erezhev Almat, Project Manager
3.      Yakupov Ruslan, Specialist of sales Department

Specialists are :
1.      Gribansky Oleg, Product Promotion  Specialis
2.      Tsoi Natalya, SMM specialist
3.      Kulikesheva Dinara, Web-designer
4.      Balgabek Dauren, Developer / Designer
5.      Narimanova Tomiris, Web Developer
6.      Miloserdov Stanislav, Web Developer
7.      Bazaev Askar, Back-end developer
8.      Kang Dae Han Han Chung, Front-end / Back-end
9.      Usmanov Rinat, Back-end developer
10.   Orazmukhammet Alpamys, Web developer
These people joined in AIDA Service team to provide product customer to be able to save time and money, moreover can also reducing the risks of bad service in one of supply chain of the products. To provide above, they create vision and mission as below :
Mission :
The development of the unique automated sales service that will solve over 90% of all existing problems in the market.
Vision :
We aim to create No. 1 sales service in the world that can consider not only the core problems of the users, but also the details that conduce maximum convenience and functionality of the service.

It will be a good benefit and advantage for business community with the Idea of AIDA Service, lot of people can receive efficiency and effectiveness during make a transaction. Even now using CryptoCurrency, it is expected will increase efficiency and also trustworthy of much more people in the future by using international and independent currency such as this Cryptocurrency.

As told above that customer will have the benefit, producer will also obtain other benefit. As said in their website at this link :  http://ico.aida.market/first.php?ico , AIDA will provide a lot of benefit to producer covering these fields :

1.      Lower service fee
2.      Access to customers’ contacts for sellers
3.      Payments to producers
4.      Self-management of shares, products and prices
5.      Availability of warehouse network
6.      Optimization of expenses on sales volume and marketing
7.      Management and planning of production
8.      Information on the composition of the material

The link will show also the comparative of AIDA with other existing platform in 8 (eight) covering points above, it will more than enough to satisfy producer side by using this AIDA Service.

Then AIDA Service is covering the whole aspect of business process started from factory (producer) until customer. It will be the future transaction scheme moreover using CryptoCurrency as an independent international currency, which began rising in recent to be expected as key currency for international transaction in future.  

To know how to join this project, such short brief to be presented below. The investment simply to buy AIDA Token (Coin) named Aidalco, this Aidalco can be obtained during ICO provided. More about obtaining Aidalco can be seen from below roadmap.


The ICO process is divided into two stages:

1. Initial token sales to investors (Pre-ICO)

○ Requirements: 30.12.17 09:00:00 UTC + 6–20.01.18 23:59:59 UTC + 6

○ During this stage token sold with a 15% bonus.

2. Primary level of ICO

○ Terms: 21.01.18 00:00:00 UTC + 6–10.02.18 00:00:00 UTC + 6

○ No bonus applied at this stage.

For ETH investments: all tokens stored at the investor’s address are burned and sent back to the investor wallet of AidaIco’s smart contract.

- BTC, LTC, BCC investment: the refund process is empowered by Oracle. The amount of the investment is returned to the investor wallet, less the transaction fee.

- Key withdrawal: during the main stage of ICO return only possible until January 30, 2018, inclusive.

Related link can be visited :

1.      Official Website : http://ico.aida.market/
2.      Medium : https://medium.com/@aidaservice
3.      Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/aidaservice/
4.      Twitter : @aida_service