all parents think that gaming is trivial and time consuming. But as we
may know the world of gaming has now become a very big
industry. Wall Street Journal put the game as the industry with the fastest and
best growth of the third in 2011. Even games like Candy Crush and Clash of Clan
get billions of dollars every day.
But it
is a game developer, what about the players? Is it also profitable? Not everything
is, but there are some professional gamers who earn enough money from playing
the game seriously. Although this is not yet applicable for mobile gaming but
it may be only a matter of time.
Who does not
know the term Game which is more identical to games played on Computers or
electronic devices. The development of this game technology is quite long from
the beginning of its appearance until now.
technology consists of two words, namely Technology and Game. Technology is the
whole facility to provide something that is necessary for the continuity and
comfort of human life. In general, technology can be defined as entities,
objects or non-objects that are created in an integrated manner through actions
and thoughts to achieve a goal.
Whereas Game
is a game that uses user interface interaction through image generated by video
So we can
conclude that Game Technology means the process either in the form of a system
or hardware that is applied in an effort to support the performance of the
If classified,
there are historical stages of game within 6 stages as below :
Generation of Game
Started on 1952,
whereas people do not know consoles or computer games even internet game as
recently popular, they knew is just a video game which is an electronic game
that displays moving images (video). While game technology was first created by
the U.S. Douglas in 1952 at the University of Cambridge, OXO, to demonstrate
his thesis on the interaction between computers and humans. Then Douglas
re-created by creating a version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game programmed on EDSAC
vacuum-tube computer that has a CRT screen (Cathode Ray Tube). Then in 1972, a
company called Magnavox launched its first video game, the Odyssey.
Generation of Game
Generation Game Technology (1976-1983) In this second generation Game
Technology is commonly referred to as the first debut of 8 bits or less 4 bits
in the history of computers and video games. In 1976, the gaming world was
revived by Fairchild with his VES (Video Entertainment System).This generation
was started on 1976, Fairchild tries to revive the world of video games by
creating VES (Video Entertainment System) as the first machine called
"console" which uses a magnetic tape called a cartridge.
Generation of Game
generation occurs since 1983, signed by rapid growth of PC Game. The PC game
pioneer at the time was the Commodore 64, a console as well as a personal
computer that provided a 16-color graphic display and had much better memory
capacity than any model video console. Third Generation Game Technology
(1983-1986) The console named Famicon / Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
released in late 1983 became a new breakthrough created by a company called
FAMICOM in Japan. The console created by FAMICOM is the first console to
feature high-resolution images and animations.
better known as Nintendo has a security chip on their game cartridges, so the
entire game to be released must be with the permission of Nintendo. Then came
the legendary game that until now still has a lot of devotees, that is Super
Generation of Game
This period
occurs since 1988 signed by console presents with sharper images and smoother
animations than NES. Fourth Generation Game Technology (1988-1993)
This fourth
generation Game technology is called the 16 bit generation that brings changes
to gameplay, sound, graphics. In 1988, Nintendo received a warm welcome by the
world. SEGA that rival Nintendo, releasing next generation console Sega Mega Drive.
Generation of Game
generation of game was started on 1990-1994, signed with competition of Sega
and Nintendo. Both of which aim to improve the graphics quality of the game.
The Fifth
Generation Game Technology (1994-1999)
In 1994, Atari
re-launched the console to compete with consoles from SEGA and Nintendo. Atari
Jaguar rival the sophistication of SNES and Mega Drive, but its difficult use
makes the game lover interested. Moreover at that time Sony issued a
super-legendary CD-based console.
In this fifth
generation Game Technology emerging game console named playstation which was
launched by Sony. This generation can also be called the 32 bit console era.
Sony's CD-based console is a success for its first output which later became
the best-selling console of all time. Due to feel unrivaled, Nintendo launched
the Nintendo 64 and SEGA released.
Generation Game Technology (2000-2005)
technology is the sixth generation is still dominated by Sony. In 2000, Sony
increasingly rampant with the release of Playstation 2 DVD-based smaller size.
Xbox which is the output of Microsoft is the only rival Playstation. Although
the Xbox look very sharp and quality, but it turns out Xbox games can not beat
the popularity of Playstation 2. Until now sony has launched Playstation
version 3, and followed the 4th version.
Generation Game Technology (2005-Present)
generation game is characterized by network application as well as the
internet. The existing games have been able to be played by some even many
people by using the internet. Players around the world can connect and play one
game simultaneously over an internet connection. In this period there are many
financial transactions for players to have a character or a more powerful role
to win the game on the internet.
LIX Open New Era of Game?
As explained above of game technology
development, all are using game as internal part in computer or network system.
The most update game is opening possibility of transaction between gamers to
upgrade or add the strength of a character of role inside the game itself. This
transaction uses transfer between bank account such as other common
The emergence of blockchain technology
has started to change many aspect of human life in the world. Started with the
advent of bitcoin that has started to change transaction scheme of some society,
then followed by other aspect try to use blockchain technology.
The development of game technology is
also following this blockchain breakthrough. There is Lix Platform which can be
a pioneer to apply blockchain technology into game creation.
Lix Team Formation
is common if thought the team which has brilliant idea as above, someone or
several persons should be experts in this field joined together to implement
blockchain technology in a game platform.
Taken from this link,
it can be observed the key personal of Lix team that has issued the idea of
Lix. This team was formed by same hobby and interest that is game even coming
from various parts of the world. It all was started with 4 friends that love gaming
and identified a problem then formed Lix. Here they are the Co-Founders of Lix
Panjabi - CEO
was the spark that created LIX. A global serial IT entrepreneur, who has run
companies around the world with a bachelors in hardware engineering and a
masters in systems management. He has been a cryptocurrency analyst and
investor since 2014 and is in charge of main operations for the LIX coin project.
Gangmei - CFO
Holds a
masters degree in sociology, currently works as a sound engineer and is a
hobbyist game programmer in C#. He holds vast experience working with the Unity
game engine and has also been working full time in blockchain technology since
playing: Durango: wild lands
Singh - CCO & Head of Community building
He is a
graduate in mechanical engineering from the Rajasthan Technical University.
Currently works as a full time cryptocurrency trader since 2014 with phenomenal
results. He is also the founder of the most successful trading Slack, and the
CEO of the Adam Project.
playing: Clash of clans
Sanino - CTO
discovered his passion for programming at the early age of 14. He finished
developing his first game the year after. Even at this early age it was
consequently consistent to assume Alessandro would one day find himself ending
up working in an IT environment.
Alessandro initially
got in touch with the sphere of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology at
the age of 16. At this point he started voluntarily working on a variety of
Slack projects, where he was able to broaden and deepen his knowledge in this
field. It was also at this time he discovered his conviction for the concepts
of ‘open source’ and ‘decentralized technology’. The ideals and mindset behind
these concepts have very much become his own.
During his
years as a student of informational technology, he already started working
full-time as a web- and desktop applications developer, a field which he
acquired expertise in very soon and something he stuck with after graduating.
Now, even
still at a relatively young age, Alessandro has mastered 6 computer languages,
including Golang, Java and C#. His acquired knowledge and level of
accomplishment in each of them is something Alessandro takes pride in. …and
rightly so.
playing: StarCraft Wings of Liberty
The 4 pillars of LIX platform
After long
discussions and planning then the Co-Founders needs to develop the project with
success then necessary to recruit a team of highly skilled professionals to
join forces with the Co-Founders. As known that internet and blockchain
business is a fast paced world, therefore the Co-Founders set 4 guidelines for
the recruitment process:
1 – Passion for gaming
2 – Multinational team
3 – Top professional in their area of
4 – Honesty.
Then these personnel below
were recruited to join Co-Founders for developing Lix :
Kamei is our Business development &
Senior consultant – Japan
A storied
alumni of Hewlett-Packard’s Consumer Strategic Center, he has a decade worth of
experience in Business Development. Currently working as strategy and
deployment consultant.
Azevedo is our Head of Marketing – Portugal
He started in
the digital marketing space in 2011. He
joined Microsoft and then migrated to the fast paced business of mobile
performance marketing. In this business he started as an internship and moved
up to Product and Design team management launching innovative products and
playing: COD WWII
Vicente is our Head of Creativity &
Lead graphic designer – Portugal
He works in
mobile performance marketing and multiple app projects since 2012. Obsessed
with spacing, fonts, and alignments. No design goes live if it’s not pixel
playing: PS4 VR – Resident Evil
Suzuki is our head of Japanese market –
hailing from the land of the rising sun holds a master’s degree in Japanese
linguistics and has 10 years of sales experience in the field of language
education. He is in charge of the Japanese market.
Chadwick is our Project Manager –
Jason studied
psychology at University of Stuttgart prior to working in the insurance
industry. During his career he spent 6 years as an instructor for software
applications and giving conflict management classes. In 2012 to present, Jason
took over a management position, that also involves project management for a
variety of projects in an operational environment. He joined the cryptocurrency
community 2 years ago, where he only recently started his latest hobby as a
crypto analyst.
playing: EVE Online
Trobevšek – Slovenia
Janez has a
bachelor in mechanical engineering. After graduating, he worked as a freelance
engineer for 2 years, before transitioning to affiliate marketing. In the realm
of affiliate marketing Janez quickly picked up on SEO and found his way to
steemit. Shortly after this period, he started a career in crypto trading,
which he upholds to the day. While trolling slacks for in-depth information on
crypto trading he was drafted by a team of peer traders into several crypto
projects. Janez’ dedication and work-ethics did not go unnoticed to the many
people he worked with, which is why and how he was drafted by the Lix
co-founders to join their team.
playing: Race Driver: Grid
This was the team that
launched LIX, the Lix team also is growing everyday with new team members that
are eager to join the project and make history with them. From above list can be seen the key personnel of LIX team can be
trusted as experienced and possess expertise in their each field. Product which
is being created by them surely will appear in good quality, this will be a
strong reference for users to invest in their products created.
After know the team, then knowing the product created is a good
choice. For this case, it is good to know Lix Platform itself. According to
Platform point, there are view side of platform :
Time-stamped assets
Game third party payment with content providers
Drm for publishers
Online store
If look at other technological point of view, LIX is based on
the Waves Leased proof-of-stake (LPOS) Protocol.
- Fixed
supply: In-game items or rare collectible items.
- Renewable
supply: Consumable items like foods and resources.
- Fee
to issue assets: At launch, 2 LIX coins.
- Assets
supply: Fixed and unfixed.
- Assets
data: Hash storage, memo ID, and text data.
Due to the unique nature of the network, it will be possible for
game developers to issue tokens or assets that also operate on a Proof-of-Stake
(POS) basis, to allow for inflationary policies which may be necessary in larger game ecosystems,
such as those on the scale of Eve Online or Second Life.
As aforesaid above for team, specification, protocol used, the
wallet, all classified as LIX characteristic, LIX Itself pointed out from game
technology perspective is not just a development platform, but LIX is a trinity
comprised of an accelerator, block-chain
technology, and a gaming community (consumers, producers and marketers); those
three factors are joined together form a next-generation gaming economy that is
self-balanced and fuses the RL (real-life) economy with in-game economies.
LIX will ultimately fuse real gold
with in-game gold, and hence go far beyond just reshaping the economy. Lix team
has ultimate goal to bring new minds into game-making and supply them with
everything they need for revolutionizing gameplay, graphics and even
Effectively, it is expected that gamers can be helped for better
gaming experience by helping new minds and ideas hit the market in record time
and with unparalleled quality.
LIX team will release the game
after tested, the testing conducted by producing a truly likeable game played
by avid community members as they
represent the end consumers. Which means that if the game is loved by avid
community members then most possibly that released will be received well by the
market as well. So can be said that LIX offers market testing which means their
games can be expected to have a far higher success rate than average.
Lix team also will provide continual
support both to the developers and gamers after a game has been created,
launched and has gained traction.
Timeline and Roadmap of LIX
realize the idea of LIX, team has formulated the time required and the stages
of what should be performed. LIX team had studied cryptocurrency technology and
blockchain networks to be able for integration with game technology. As time
formulation created, below presented the timeline and roadmap of LIX project :
Execution through ICO
To execute this project, team
are preparing fund for project expense. By this LIXCoin then the project can be
executed smoothly to give benefit for gamer and also to drive game world to be
more positive thing in human life of society.
It is very useful and good to
support this project in the ICO participation organized by the LIX team.
Related with this ICO, author will present in general because in detail can be
found at this link,
and also LIX whitepaper.
The LIX team provide
opportunity to public who are interested to participate in this project by
supporting from the public culminating in an ICO,
Fund Management Planning
will manage the plan of fund as below

The fund raised
from this ICO will be secured as LIX team will apply Escrow scheme, a secure
multi-signature wallet. This fund will only be released from the account with 2
out of 3 signatures:
• Founder
• Co Founder
• Investors
information can be referred to below link :

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